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Safran Innovation Award 2018 For Current Sensor from Sensitec

Safran Innovation Award 2018

It is a special honor to be awarded by Safran with the Innovation Award 2018. The internationally operating Safran Group gives this annual award internally to the best innovations provided by their suppliers and partners.

This year Sensitec belongs to the winners in the „open“ category for providing the CFS1000 current sensor which is part of a new power board. The prize-giving ceremony took place on April 5th 2018 in the Safran Aeronautic Museum where Dr. Marc Kramb, Sales Manager at Sensitec, was handed over the nice glass trophy.   

Safran is an international high-technology group, operating in the aircraft propulsion and equipment, space and defense markets. Safran has a global presence, with more than 58,000 employees worldwide, and logged sales of 16.5 billion euros in 2017. Safran undertakes extensive R & D programs to keep pace with its fast-evolving markets.