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Smart Systems Integration 2016: Award winner determined The winners of the Best Paper and Best Poster Award from Smart System Integration 2016 have been determined.

Smart Systems Integration 2016: Award winner determined

The deciding factors in selecting the winners were the topicality and relevance of the issue as well as the quality of the presentation.

Winner of Best Paper Award

The program committee chaired by Prof. Dr. Thomas Gessner, Head of the Fraunhofer Institute for electronic nano-systems ENAS in Chemnitz selected the winning presentation from all of the presentations after the event. Out of six nominated presentations, the presentation by Dr. Rolf Slatter, Sensitec GmbH, Germany, on the topic of “highly integrated magneto resistive current sensors for high power density electro-mobility” was the one that won over the committee and so was chosen as the “Best Paper” of the event.

Winner of Best Poster Award

The participants in the convention and the guests at Smart Systems Integration 2016 chose the best poster presentation out of all the contending poster contributions on-site. The winner is Shauna Scanlon, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland, with her poster on the topic of “Development of a multi parameter sensing system for PAT application in the food and beverage industry.”
“I’m very grateful and happy about winning the Best Poster Award 2016. It is a great honor not only for me but also for the Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork. This award emphasizes the importance of new developments in the nutrition and drinks industry,” Scanlon said when she found out she had won.
Every award includes prize money of EUR 500. On top of this, Shauna Scanlon and Dr. Rolf Slatter are invited to the Smart Systems Integration 2017 as “Invited Speakers”, which takes place in Cork, Ireland on March, 8-9, 2017. The award ceremony for both winners takes place during the traditional Conference Dinner on the evening on the first day of the convention.
The detailed manuscripts of both contributions are made public in the conference transcript of Smart Systems Integration 2016.

More information about the event can be found at