Sustainability We act according to social and ecological convictions

The most important requirements for the success of a company are the passion and commitment of its employees. Their commitment to our company is also reflected in the awareness and the responsible use of non-renewable resources. As a company, we take our social and ecological responsibility very seriously and therefore act in accordance with social and environmentally-friendly standards from a deep sense of conviction.  

Ecological responsibility

Environmental protection is an important part of our corporate policy. We want to reduce environmental damage of any kind to a minimum and comply with legal requirements as a minimum criterion. The risk potential of our production facilities is regularly reviewed and the safety equipment and organizational measures are always kept up-to-date. Moreover, our Mainz site introduced a certified environmental management system according to the ISO 14001 standard as well as the energy management system in according to ISO 50001.

In 2015, we converted to 100 percent green energy supply at our Mainz site.


Social responsibility

Our commercial activities are based on corporate and social principles, which we have committed to with respect to our employees, customers, suppliers and other business partners. It is an important goal for us to use the capital available to us to offer our employees interesting and secure employment. One particular concern is training young people to give them a good star in their career. Future security, health protection, further education, job security and supporting diversity in our company are important topics for promoting our sustainability.